
78 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

________ __________ __________ _____ ____ __________
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\/ \/ \/ \/ \/
________ _______
\_____ \ \ _ \
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/______ / /\ \_____ /
\/ \/ \/ .5 ALPHA
Code : NoNameNo
Additional Code : Crayon & Xane
Code Hints : RedShade
Info & Tutorial :
ChangeLog :
* Color format change for ALL GRRLib function (now its RGBA) to fit to GX_Color format and use GX_Color1u32
* GRRLib introduce a new texture structure (easier to handle texture width, height, etc ...):
typedef struct GRRLIB_texImg{
unsigned int w;
unsigned int h;
unsigned int tilew;
unsigned int tileh;
unsigned int nbtilew;
unsigned int nbtileh;
unsigned int tilestart;
void *data;
} GRRLIB_texImg;
* add void GRRLIB_InitTileSet(struct GRRLIB_texImg *tex, unsigned int tilew, unsigned int tileh, unsigned int tilestart);
* GRRLIB_Printf recoded to fit modification.
* GRRLIB_DrawImg recoded for simpler use
* GRRLIB_DrawTile recoded for simpler use + // --->Frame Correction by spiffen
* InitVideo() and GRRLIB_Start() merge into GRRLIB_Init().
* add GRRLIB_PtInRect, GRRLIB_RectInRect and GRRLIB_RectOnRect.
* GRRLIB_GetPixelFromtexImg and GRRLIB_SetPixelTotexImg
* GRRLIB_CreateEmptyTexture and GRRLIB_FlushTex
* New Bitmap FX:
- GRRLIB_BMFX_Grayscale
- GRRLIB_BMFX_Pixelate
(keep in mind that most BMFX are not provided to be used in real time ;) ;) )
* GRRLIB_LoadTexture now detect automaticaly the image format JPG or PNG
(keep in mind that image still have to be RGBA and have Width and height multiple of 4)
* add GRRLIB_Exit to free the memory allocated by GRRLIB
have a look at the sample code to see how all this work ;)
Remember that 3.0.5 is a WIP preview for the soon coming GRRLIB 4.0 and it's not intend to be publicly released...
Contact me to provide me all your patch/addon/new functions...