namespace Pong.Scripts.Managers.UI.Menus; public partial class Settings : BaseMenu { private SettingsManager _settings; private SpinBox _scale; private OptionButton _vSync; private Button _saveButton; private bool _scaleModified; private bool _vSyncModified; public override void _EnterTree() { base._EnterTree(); GetNodes(); _scale.Value = _settings.SettingsData.Scale; _vSync.Selected = (int)_settings.SettingsData.VSync; } private void OnBackButtonPressed() { GetTree().ChangeSceneToFile("res://Scenes/UI/Menus/MainMenu.tscn"); } /// /// get references to the nodes required for the settings menu to function and bind to events. /// private void GetNodes() { using var mainContainer = GetNode("ScrollContainer/InternalMainContainer"); _settings = GetNode("/root/SettingsManager"); _scale = mainContainer.GetNode("ScaleContainer/Scale"); _vSync = mainContainer.GetNode("VSyncContainer/VSyncOptions"); _saveButton = GetNode