Fries 425bf2ad27 make a settings menu and general refactoring
i added more to the main menu, as it has a settings menu now, that stores its files with json. i also changed the font to atkinson hyperlegible and made a BaseMenu class that takes care of the screen scaling for menus.

i also refactored the project folder structure to make it more organized.
2023-05-20 21:42:38 -07:00

7 lines
263 B

[gd_resource type="LabelSettings" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dkyqusswobqb3"]
[ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://dq8ojwul8884x" path="res://Fonts/AtkinsonHyperlegible-Regular.ttf" id="1_hcuvo"]
font = ExtResource("1_hcuvo")
font_size = 64