
- keep CONFIG_BIGNUM in the makefile
- added os.chdir()
- qjs: added -I option
- more memory checks in the bignum operations
- modified operator overloading semantics to be closer to the TC39
- suppressed "use bigint" mode. Simplified "use math" mode
- BigDecimal: changed suffix from 'd' to 'm'
- misc bug fixes


- always compile the bignum code. Added '--bignum' option to qjs.
- added BigDecimal
- added String.prototype.replaceAll
- misc bug fixes


- added nullish coalescing operator (ES2020)
- added optional chaining (ES2020)
- removed recursions in garbage collector
- test stack overflow in the parser
- improved backtrace logic
- added JS_SetHostPromiseRejectionTracker()
- allow exotic constructors
- improved c++ compatibility
- misc bug fixes


- added example of C class in a module (examples/test_point.js)
- added JS_GetTypedArrayBuffer()
- misc bug fixes


- added os.exec and other system calls
- exported JS_ValueToAtom()
- qjsc: added 'qjsc_' prefix to the generated C identifiers
- added cross-compilation support
- misc bug fixes


- added globalThis
- added import.meta.url and import.meta.main
- added 'debugger' statement
- misc bug fixes


- added os.realpath, os.getcwd, os.mkdir, os.stat, os.lstat,
  os.readlink, os.readdir, os.utimes, std.popen
- module autodetection
- added import.meta
- misc bug fixes


- added public class fields and private class fields, methods and
  accessors (TC39 proposal)
- changed JS_ToCStringLen() prototype
- qjsc: handle '-' in module names and modules with the same filename
- added std.urlGet
- exported JS_GetOwnPropertyNames() and JS_GetOwnProperty()
- exported some bigint C functions
- added support for eshost in run-test262
- misc bug fixes


- added dynamic import
- added Promise.allSettled
- added String.prototype.matchAll
- added Object.fromEntries
- reduced number of ticks in await
- added BigInt support in Atomics
- exported JS_NewPromiseCapability()
- misc async function and async generator fixes
- enabled hashbang support by default


- updated test262 tests
- updated to Unicode version 12.1.0
- fixed missing Date object in qjsc
- fixed multi-context creation
- misc ES2020 related fixes
- simplified power and division operators in bignum extension
- fixed several crash conditions


- first public release