function assert(actual, expected, message) { if (arguments.length == 1) expected = true; if (actual === expected) return; if (actual !== null && expected !== null && typeof actual == 'object' && typeof expected == 'object' && actual.toString() === expected.toString()) return; throw Error("assertion failed: got |" + actual + "|" + ", expected |" + expected + "|" + (message ? " (" + message + ")" : "")); } // load more elaborate version of assert if available try { __loadScript("test_assert.js"); } catch(e) {} /*----------------*/ function test_while() { var i, c; i = 0; c = 0; while (i < 3) { c++; i++; } assert(c === 3); } function test_while_break() { var i, c; i = 0; c = 0; while (i < 3) { c++; if (i == 1) break; i++; } assert(c === 2 && i === 1); } function test_do_while() { var i, c; i = 0; c = 0; do { c++; i++; } while (i < 3); assert(c === 3 && i === 3); } function test_for() { var i, c; c = 0; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { c++; } assert(c === 3 && i === 3); c = 0; for(var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { c++; } assert(c === 3 && j === 3); } function test_for_in() { var i, tab, a, b; tab = []; for(i in {x:1, y: 2}) { tab.push(i); } assert(tab.toString(), "x,y", "for_in"); /* prototype chain test */ a = {x:2, y: 2, "1": 3}; b = {"4" : 3 }; Object.setPrototypeOf(a, b); tab = []; for(i in a) { tab.push(i); } assert(tab.toString(), "1,x,y,4", "for_in"); /* non enumerable properties hide enumerables ones in the prototype chain */ a = {y: 2, "1": 3}; Object.defineProperty(a, "x", { value: 1 }); b = {"x" : 3 }; Object.setPrototypeOf(a, b); tab = []; for(i in a) { tab.push(i); } assert(tab.toString(), "1,y", "for_in"); /* array optimization */ a = []; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) a.push(i); tab = []; for(i in a) { tab.push(i); } assert(tab.toString(), "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9", "for_in"); /* iterate with a field */ a={x:0}; tab = []; for(a.x in {x:1, y: 2}) { tab.push(a.x); } assert(tab.toString(), "x,y", "for_in"); /* iterate with a variable field */ a=[0]; tab = []; for(a[0] in {x:1, y: 2}) { tab.push(a[0]); } assert(tab.toString(), "x,y", "for_in"); /* variable definition in the for in */ tab = []; for(var j in {x:1, y: 2}) { tab.push(j); } assert(tab.toString(), "x,y", "for_in"); /* variable assigment in the for in */ tab = []; for(var k = 2 in {x:1, y: 2}) { tab.push(k); } assert(tab.toString(), "x,y", "for_in"); } function test_for_in2() { var i; tab = []; for(i in {x:1, y: 2, z:3}) { if (i === "y") continue; tab.push(i); } assert(tab.toString() == "x,z"); tab = []; for(i in {x:1, y: 2, z:3}) { if (i === "z") break; tab.push(i); } assert(tab.toString() == "x,y"); } function test_for_break() { var i, c; c = 0; L1: for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { c++; if (i == 0) continue; while (1) { break L1; } } assert(c === 2 && i === 1); } function test_switch1() { var i, a, s; s = ""; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { a = "?"; switch(i) { case 0: a = "a"; break; case 1: a = "b"; break; default: a = "c"; break; } s += a; } assert(s === "abc" && i === 3); } function test_switch2() { var i, a, s; s = ""; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { a = "?"; switch(i) { case 0: a = "a"; break; case 1: a = "b"; break; case 2: continue; default: a = "" + i; break; } s += a; } assert(s === "ab3" && i === 4); } function test_try_catch1() { try { throw "hello"; } catch (e) { assert(e, "hello", "catch"); return; } assert(false, "catch"); } function test_try_catch2() { var a; try { a = 1; } catch (e) { a = 2; } assert(a, 1, "catch"); } function test_try_catch3() { var s; s = ""; try { s += "t"; } catch (e) { s += "c"; } finally { s += "f"; } assert(s, "tf", "catch"); } function test_try_catch4() { var s; s = ""; try { s += "t"; throw "c"; } catch (e) { s += e; } finally { s += "f"; } assert(s, "tcf", "catch"); } function test_try_catch5() { var s; s = ""; for(;;) { try { s += "t"; break; s += "b"; } finally { s += "f"; } } assert(s, "tf", "catch"); } function test_try_catch6() { function f() { try { s += 't'; return 1; } finally { s += "f"; } } var s = ""; assert(f() === 1); assert(s, "tf", "catch6"); } function test_try_catch7() { var s; s = ""; try { try { s += "t"; throw "a"; } finally { s += "f"; } } catch(e) { s += e; } finally { s += "g"; } assert(s, "tfag", "catch"); } function test_try_catch8() { var i, s; s = ""; for(var i in {x:1, y:2}) { try { s += i; throw "a"; } catch (e) { s += e; } finally { s += "f"; } } assert(s === "xafyaf"); } test_while(); test_while_break(); test_do_while(); test_for(); test_for_break(); test_switch1(); test_switch2(); test_for_in(); test_for_in2(); test_try_catch1(); test_try_catch2(); test_try_catch3(); test_try_catch4(); test_try_catch5(); test_try_catch6(); test_try_catch7(); test_try_catch8();