first try of .y4m input.

This commit is contained in:
rwillenbacher 2022-08-25 07:51:53 +02:00
parent 044909dc7b
commit f60850ede4
2 changed files with 357 additions and 69 deletions

View file

@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ Once you have your executable you can run the encoder without arguments to get a
Sample output:
y262app -in <420yuv> -size <width> <height> -out <m2vout>
y262app -in <yuv> -size <width> <height> -out <m2vout>
-frames <number> : number of frames to encode, 0 for all
-threads <on> <cnt> : threading enabled and number of concurrent slices
-profile <profile> : simple or main profile
-level <level> : low main high1440 or high level
-profile <profile> : simple, main, high or 422 profile
-level <level> : low main high1440 high 422main or 422high level
-chromaf : chroma format, 420, 422 or 444
-rec <reconfile> : write reconstructed frames to <reconfile>
-rcmode <pass> : 0 = CQ, 1 = 1st pass, 2 = subsequent pass
@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ Sample output:
-mpeg1 : output mpeg1 instead mpeg2, constraints apply
Notes about -in, you can specify "-" if you want to pipe the yuv into the application. The yuv format of the input should match -chromaf
Notes about -in, you can specify "-" if you want to pipe the yuv into the application. The yuv format of the input should match -chromaf.
It can also be in .y4m format. Settings detected in a .y4m can be overridden by giving the specific option after -in.
So for example "-in foreman_cif.yuv -frcode 1" will override the 25Hz from the foreman_cif.y4m with 23.976024Hz. Mpeg2 limitations apply.
Example: So to encode something you call it like so:

View file

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#include "y262api.h"
int32_t b_pipe_input;
int32_t i_y4m_input = 0;
uint8_t rgui8_y4m_input_buffer[ 128 ];
FILE *f_rec, *f_out, *f_mpass_out = NULL, *f_mpass_in = NULL;
int64_t i64_bytes_num_out = 0;
@ -86,6 +91,7 @@ y262_input_picture_t s_buffered_output_picture;
y262_configuration_t s_config;
void y262app_error_cb( void *p_handle, int32_t i_code, int8_t *pi8_msg )
fprintf( stderr, "error %d: '%s'\n" , i_code, pi8_msg );
@ -165,7 +171,7 @@ int32_t y262app_rcsample_cb( void *p_handle, int32_t i_don, uint8_t *pui8_data,
while( 1 )
i_ret = fread( &s_sample, sizeof( s_sample ), 1, f_mpass_in );
i_ret = ( int32_t )fread( &s_sample, sizeof( s_sample ), 1, f_mpass_in );
if( i_ret == 1 )
if( i_data_length == s_sample.i_len )
@ -211,6 +217,317 @@ int32_t y262app_rcsample_cb( void *p_handle, int32_t i_don, uint8_t *pui8_data,
int32_t y262app_probe_for_y4m( FILE *f_in )
uint8_t *pui8_str, *pui8_next;
int32_t i_idx;
int32_t i_y4m_width = -1, i_y4m_height = -1;
int32_t i_y4m_fps_num = -1, i_y4m_fps_denom = -1;
int32_t i_y4m_chroma_format = -1;
int32_t i_y4m_ar_num = -1, i_y4m_ar_denom = -1;
int32_t i_y4m_interlaced;
for( i_idx = 0; i_idx < 127; i_idx++ )
fread( &rgui8_y4m_input_buffer[ i_idx ], sizeof( uint8_t ), 1, f_in );
if( rgui8_y4m_input_buffer[ i_idx ] == '\n' )
i_y4m_input = -i_idx; /* set to negative number of bytes read */
if( i_idx == 127 )
return 0;
rgui8_y4m_input_buffer[ i_idx ] = 0;
pui8_str = &rgui8_y4m_input_buffer[ 0 ];
if( memcmp( pui8_str, "YUV4MPEG", 8 ) )
return 0;
if( pui8_str[ 8 ] != '2' )
fprintf( stderr, "wrong YUV4MPEG version '%c', need '2'\n", pui8_str[ 8 ] );
return -1;
pui8_str += 9;
while( *pui8_str != 0 )
while( *pui8_str == ' ' )
if( *pui8_str == 0 ) /* end of header */
pui8_next = pui8_str;
while( *pui8_next != ' ' && *pui8_next != 0 )
if( pui8_str[ 0 ] == 'W' )
if( sscanf( &pui8_str[ 1 ], "%d", &i_y4m_width ) != 1 )
goto y262app_y4m_error_parsing_header_tag;
else if( pui8_str[ 0 ] == 'H' )
if( sscanf( &pui8_str[ 1 ], "%d", &i_y4m_height ) != 1 )
goto y262app_y4m_error_parsing_header_tag;
else if( pui8_str[ 0 ] == 'C' )
uint8_t rgui8_chroma_format[ 128 ];
i_idx = 0;
while( ( ++pui8_str ) != pui8_next )
rgui8_chroma_format[ i_idx++ ] = *pui8_str;
rgui8_chroma_format[ i_idx ] = 0;
if( strcmp( &rgui8_chroma_format[ 0 ], "420jpeg" ) == 0 || strcmp( &rgui8_chroma_format[ 0 ], "420" ) == 0 ||
strcmp( &rgui8_chroma_format[ 0 ], "420mpeg2" ) == 0 || strcmp( &rgui8_chroma_format[ 0 ], "420paidv" ) == 0 )
i_y4m_chroma_format = Y262_CHROMA_FORMAT_420;
else if( strcmp( &rgui8_chroma_format[ 0 ], "422" ) == 0 )
i_y4m_chroma_format = Y262_CHROMA_FORMAT_422;
else if( strcmp( &rgui8_chroma_format[ 0 ], "444" ) == 0 )
i_y4m_chroma_format = Y262_CHROMA_FORMAT_444;
fprintf( stderr, "unsupported y4m chroma format '%s'\n", &rgui8_chroma_format[ 0 ] );
return -1;
else if( pui8_str[ 0 ] == 'F' )
if( sscanf( &pui8_str[ 1 ], "%d:%d", &i_y4m_fps_num, &i_y4m_fps_denom ) != 2 )
goto y262app_y4m_error_parsing_header_tag;
else if( pui8_str[ 0 ] == 'A' )
if( sscanf( &pui8_str[ 1 ], "%d:%d", &i_y4m_ar_num, &i_y4m_ar_denom ) != 2 )
goto y262app_y4m_error_parsing_header_tag;
else if( pui8_str[ 0 ] == 'I' )
i_y4m_interlaced = pui8_str[ 1 ];
/* ignore */
pui8_str = pui8_next;
if( i_y4m_width < 0 || i_y4m_height < 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "malformed y4m header. required fields missing. abort." );
return -1;
i_width = i_y4m_width;
i_height = i_y4m_height;
fprintf( stderr, "info: y4m width %d, height %d.\n", i_width, i_height );
if( i_y4m_fps_num > 0 && i_y4m_fps_denom > 0 )
float f32_best_mpeg_fps, f32_mpeg_fps, f32_y4m_fps;
int32_t i_best;
f32_y4m_fps = ( ( float ) i_y4m_fps_num ) / i_y4m_fps_denom;
i_best = -1;
for( i_idx = 1; i_idx <= 8; i_idx++ )
f32_mpeg_fps = ( ( float ) rgi_framerate_code_timescale[ i_idx ] ) / rgi_framerate_code_duration[ i_idx ];
if( i_best < 0 || ( fabs( f32_best_mpeg_fps - f32_y4m_fps ) > fabs( f32_mpeg_fps - f32_y4m_fps ) ) )
i_best = i_idx;
f32_best_mpeg_fps = f32_mpeg_fps;
fprintf( stderr, "info: y4m derived mpeg fps %.5f.\n", f32_best_mpeg_fps );
s_config.i_frame_rate_code = i_best;
if( i_y4m_chroma_format >= 0 )
char *rgpc_chroma_formats[ 4 ] = {
s_config.i_coded_chroma_format = i_y4m_chroma_format;
fprintf( stderr, "info: y4m chroma format: '%s'.\n", rgpc_chroma_formats[ s_config.i_coded_chroma_format ] );
if( i_y4m_ar_num > 0 && i_y4m_ar_denom > 0 )
float rgf_mpeg2_ratios[ 5 ] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f / 3.0f, 16.0f / 9.0f, 2.21f / 1.0f };
float f32_y4m_ar;
int32_t i_best;
f32_y4m_ar = ( ( float ) i_y4m_ar_num ) / i_y4m_ar_denom;
i_best = -1;
for( i_idx = 1; i_idx <= 4; i_idx++ )
if( i_best < 0 || ( fabs( rgf_mpeg2_ratios[ i_best ] - f32_y4m_ar ) > fabs( rgf_mpeg2_ratios[ i_idx ] - f32_y4m_ar ) ) )
i_best = i_idx;
fprintf( stderr, "info: y4m derived mpeg2 AR %.5f. ( please override for mpeg1! )\n", rgf_mpeg2_ratios[ i_best ] );
s_config.i_aspect_ratio_information = i_best;
i_y4m_input = 1;
return 0;
fprintf( stderr, "error parsing y4m header tag '%c'\n", pui8_str[ 0 ] );
return -1;
int32_t y262app_fread_unpeek( void *p_buffer, size_t ui_size, FILE *f_in )
uint8_t *pui8_buffer = ( uint8_t * ) p_buffer;
int32_t i_size = ( int32_t ) ui_size;
size_t i_ret = 1;
if( i_y4m_input < 0 )
int32_t i_copy = -i_y4m_input;
if( i_copy > i_size )
i_copy = i_size;
memcpy( pui8_buffer, &rgui8_y4m_input_buffer[ 0 ], i_copy * sizeof( uint8_t ) );
i_y4m_input = 0; /* dont fragment, dont bother */
i_size -= i_copy;
pui8_buffer += i_copy;
if( i_size > 0 )
i_ret = fread( pui8_buffer, i_size, 1, f_in );
return ( int32_t ) i_ret;
int32_t y262app_read_yuv_frame( FILE *f_in, y262_input_picture_t *ps_picture )
int32_t i_ret;
if( i_y4m_input > 0 )
int32_t i_idx;
uint8_t rgui8_y4m_frame_header[ 128 ];
for( i_idx = 0; i_idx < 127; i_idx++ )
i_ret = y262app_fread_unpeek( &rgui8_y4m_frame_header[ i_idx ], sizeof( uint8_t ), f_in );
if( i_ret == 0 || rgui8_y4m_frame_header[ i_idx ] == '\n' )
rgui8_y4m_frame_header[ i_idx ] = 0;
if( i_idx == 0 )
return 0; /* eof ? */
if( i_idx == 127 )
fprintf( stderr, "error: y4m frame header too large or lost frame sync\n" );
return 0;
if( memcmp( &rgui8_y4m_frame_header[ 0 ], "FRAME", 5 ) )
fprintf( stderr, "error: y4m lost frame sync\n" );
return 0;
/* read raw yuv, maybe prepend peek */
if( i_pad_x != 0 )
int32_t i_y;
for( i_y = 0; i_y < i_height; i_y++ )
i_ret = y262app_fread_unpeek( ps_picture->pui8_luma + i_y * s_config.i_coded_width, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_width, f_in );
for( i_y = 0; i_y < i_chroma_height; i_y++ )
i_ret = y262app_fread_unpeek( ps_picture->pui8_cb + i_y * i_coded_chroma_width, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_chroma_width, f_in );
for( i_y = 0; i_y < i_chroma_height; i_y++ )
i_ret = y262app_fread_unpeek( ps_picture->pui8_cr + i_y * i_coded_chroma_width, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_chroma_width, f_in );
i_ret = y262app_fread_unpeek( ps_picture->pui8_luma, sizeof( uint8_t ) * s_config.i_coded_width * i_height, f_in );
i_ret = y262app_fread_unpeek( ps_picture->pui8_cb, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_coded_chroma_width * i_chroma_height, f_in );
i_ret = y262app_fread_unpeek( ps_picture->pui8_cr, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_coded_chroma_width * i_chroma_height, f_in );
if( i_pad_y != 0 )
int32_t i_y;
for( i_y = i_height; i_y < s_config.i_coded_height; i_y++ )
memset( ps_picture->pui8_luma + i_y * s_config.i_coded_width, 0, sizeof( uint8_t ) * s_config.i_coded_width );
for( i_y = i_chroma_height; i_y < i_coded_chroma_height; i_y++ )
memset( ps_picture->pui8_cb + i_y * i_coded_chroma_width, 128, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_coded_chroma_width );
memset( ps_picture->pui8_cr + i_y * i_coded_chroma_width, 128, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_coded_chroma_width );
if( i_ret <= 0 )
return 0;
return 1;
void usage( )
fprintf( stderr, "y262 usage:\n");
@ -348,6 +665,33 @@ int32_t main( int32_t i_argc, char *rgpi8_argv[] )
if( strcmp( ( char *)rgpi8_argv[ i_idx ], "-in" ) == 0 )
pi8_infile = rgpi8_argv[ ++i_idx ];
if( pi8_infile )
if( strcmp( ( char * ) pi8_infile, "-" ) == 0 )
#ifdef WIN32
_setmode( _fileno( stdin ), _O_BINARY );
stdin = freopen( NULL, "rb", stdin );
f_in = stdin;
b_pipe_input = 1;
f_in = fopen( ( char * ) pi8_infile, "rb" );
b_pipe_input = 0;
if( !f_in )
fprintf( stderr, "could not open input file '%s'\n", pi8_infile );
return -1;
y262app_probe_for_y4m( f_in );
else if( strcmp( ( char * ) rgpi8_argv[ i_idx ], "-frames" ) == 0 )
@ -599,8 +943,12 @@ int32_t main( int32_t i_argc, char *rgpi8_argv[] )
if( i_argc < 2 || !pi8_infile )
if( i_argc < 2 || f_in == NULL )
if( f_in == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "no -in <infile> given on commandline.\n" );
return -1;
@ -610,32 +958,6 @@ int32_t main( int32_t i_argc, char *rgpi8_argv[] )
s_config.pf_result_callback = y262app_result_cb;
s_config.pf_rcsample_callback = y262app_rcsample_cb;
if( pi8_infile )
if( strcmp( ( char * ) pi8_infile, "-" ) == 0 )
#ifdef WIN32
_setmode( _fileno( stdin ), _O_BINARY );
stdin = freopen( NULL, "rb", stdin );
f_in = stdin;
f_in = fopen( ( char *)pi8_infile, "rb" );
if( !f_in )
fprintf( stderr, "could not open input file\n");
return -1;
fprintf( stderr, "need -in <ifile> commandline argument\n");
if( pi8_outfile )
f_out = fopen( ( char *)pi8_outfile, "wb" );
@ -787,43 +1109,7 @@ int32_t main( int32_t i_argc, char *rgpi8_argv[] )
uint8_t rgui8_user_data[ 100 ];
if( i_pad_x != 0 )
int32_t i_y;
for( i_y = 0; i_y < i_height; i_y++ )
i_ret = fread( s_picture.pui8_luma + i_y * s_config.i_coded_width, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_width, 1, f_in );
for( i_y = 0; i_y < i_chroma_height; i_y++ )
i_ret = fread( s_picture.pui8_cb + i_y * i_coded_chroma_width, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_chroma_width, 1, f_in );
for( i_y = 0; i_y < i_chroma_height; i_y++ )
i_ret = fread( s_picture.pui8_cr + i_y * i_coded_chroma_width, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_chroma_width, 1, f_in );
i_ret = fread( s_picture.pui8_luma, sizeof( uint8_t ) * s_config.i_coded_width * i_height, 1, f_in );
i_ret = fread( s_picture.pui8_cb, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_coded_chroma_width * i_chroma_height, 1, f_in );
i_ret = fread( s_picture.pui8_cr, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_coded_chroma_width * i_chroma_height, 1, f_in );
if( i_pad_y != 0 )
int32_t i_y;
for( i_y = i_height; i_y < s_config.i_coded_height; i_y++ )
memset( s_picture.pui8_luma + i_y * s_config.i_coded_width, 0, sizeof( uint8_t ) * s_config.i_coded_width );
for( i_y = i_chroma_height; i_y < i_coded_chroma_height; i_y++ )
memset( s_picture.pui8_cb + i_y * i_coded_chroma_width, 128, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_coded_chroma_width );
memset( s_picture.pui8_cr + i_y * i_coded_chroma_width, 128, sizeof( uint8_t ) * i_coded_chroma_width );
if( i_ret <= 0 )
if( y262app_read_yuv_frame( f_in, &s_picture ) == 0 )